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Plan 2020 for my website

2020 will be the year of making, more writing, more side projects, more books, more crazy things.

Trong Nguyen
January 19th, 2020

To be honest, from the time I discovered GastbyJS, new doors open for me. I can build websites without taking efforts to convince engineers to build with me.

I’m not good at convincing people. So I tend to do by myself. With some big ideas, I would need their help. But I will do it with what I have. All of them could be simple and easy to execute, but they should be crazy and personal.

And when big ideas come, I can make a small version first. then test in real life. And I will get data and insights, then it would be easier to convince people to join.

“If you can’t code, write books and blogs, record videos and podcasts. Media travels and earns while you sleep. It searches the world for opportunities for you.” - Naval Ravikant

I don’t expect any income from my writing or my side projects. They are mediums for me to do something fun out of the working hour. And form new good habits.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”

- Aristotle

Now, we’re in the early days of a new beautiful decade. I’ll list down the plan for my online home.

1. Publish one post per week.

Writing is the main habit I want to form this year. It’s the main reason to build this website.

The writing will be about design, creativity, productivity, books, movies, and thoughts on life (#Lavida). They are all about I care, I know and I want to be good at it. It’s not only about the works.

Why do I write? I have many reasons. It deserves a separate post.

2. More side projects

Everyone should learn to code.

Not because we have a tremendous shortage of people who can produce things in [insert name of your favorite hot programming language here] but because once you know how to make something, it changes how you see things.

“Learn how to make gives you the guts to make mores, for fail more often, to get better at making.”

- Seth Godin in The Icarus Deception

It’s true, at least for me. After knowing how to build a website with GatbyJS, many new ideas come to me. My gut says that I can make it, and make more of it.

More side projects will come to this website or could be a different place. It doesn’t matter. Just make more of them.

3. Add content for all books of my bookshelf

Books for designer is one of the side projects that I’ve just built. In there, I shared books that I love and want to read. I will put highlights of the book, and the best quotes.

I did it for me first. Because it’s an easy way to memorize the book later. But I realized that it might be useful for others who are looking for books to read.

I also redesign all book covers that I think they’re not good or don’t meet my taste.

4. Making SVG animation.

I love animation. Becoming an animator was my first dream. But when working as a product designer, I don’t have time to animate things.

I still love it and want to make it. With the help of Lottie from Airbnb, making animations for the web becomes much easier.

More animation is coming to this website.

5. Project X

I only have four items that I want to do for this blog now. But maybe I will more ideas on the way. Who knows. I will keep a slot for new things.

I welcome new and surprising things. So I will keep a white space for them. Let call it “Project X”.

Hi, I'm Trong, product designer living in Singapore. I write to practice, and write to find ideas. Nice to meet you!
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