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The secret of writing

What’s the primary purpose of your headline, your graphic, your font, and any other part of the writing?

Trong Nguyen
January 5th, 2020

I’m not a native English speaker and lack confidence in my skills.

While practicing to write, I’m getting more confident. Because I’ve learned that speaking isn’t the only way of communication. Writing is equally important.

Find a way to raise your voice.

I started to write and post on this blog, published one post every week. I realized that my writing isn’t so bad, and wanted to be better.

I bought books and read many articles online on how to write well. And I uncovered a simple secret, from poet Charles Bukowski. It contained just six words.

“The secret is in the line.”

What is the primary purpose of any piece of writing you publish online? To get what you’ve written read.

So what’s the primary purpose of your headline, your graphic, your font, and any other part of the writing? Got get the first sentence read.

And what ’s the purpose of the first sentence? To get the second sentence read.

“Every sentence you write should make them want to read the next sentence you write.”

This sounds simplistic. Or maybe confusing. But the secret is in the line. If none read, all is lost.

The key to getting someone to read is taking it one sentence at a time, ensuring your readers are so compelled by that sentence that they want to read the next.

Write well, line by line.

If you’re able to work in this way, all of those lines will begin to add up. You might make something good enough to be read and shared… maybe even shared widely.

Difficult? Sure.

That’s why we need to practice.

Hi, I'm Trong, product designer living in Singapore. I write to practice, and write to find ideas. Nice to meet you!
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