Without words, apps would be an unusable jumble of shapes and icons.Archives
We always want to make something better. And that’s why I built this new website.
I want to build a button component, how can I make it either auto width depend on the content and resize to the size I want with Auto Layout?
There is a trend now on design, switching from Sketch to Figma. But is Figma that good?
One of the most basic and common principles on UX
The review for our whole journey, where is our favorite, where has the best food, where we will come back?
We’re playing back to Singapore, it’s a long flight, 12 hours. Long long long flight.
There are so many things to see and do there.
The second country of the journey, we are coming to Paris, France.
German people are awesome
And it happens to many people. Many people are facing it too.