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Writing is designing. (68 posts)

Without words, apps would be an unusable jumble of shapes and icons.Archives

Featured posts
May 29, 2021
Every skill you acquire doubles your odds success
Design – Lavida
Jan 01, 2021
2020 year in review
Sep 27, 2020
The foundation of UI animations
Jul 05, 2020
Build your Website with Novela Gatsby - Episode 1
Jun 27, 2020
Things I wish I knew when I started designing
May 31, 2020
A complete guide for Lottie animation with GatsbyJS
Code – Design
Mar 15, 2020
Designer’s guide for designing for performance - Part 1
Design – Code
Mar 08, 2020
GIF vs Video
Design – Code
Sep 26, 2019
Find a way to raise your voice
Design – Lavida
Sep 18, 2019
Can’t get good ideas? Come up with some bad ones

Keep a hero file and steal like an artist

How to find your own design style at the early stage of your design career.

February 13th, 2020

People I love at Carousell

Things come very differently when switching from a one-designer-team to a multi-designer-team. We have to work with many people who are better than you. So it’s a chance for you to learn from the others.

February 7th, 2020

Plan 2020 for my website

2020 will be the year of making, more writing, more side projects, more books, more crazy things.

January 19th, 2020

Best chapters and lessons from “Sapien, a brief history of humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari

A look at the history of humankind from a very new perspective, and surprised.

January 16th, 2020

Lessons from the movie “Schindler’s List” by Steven Spielberg

Everything I learned I learned from the movies.

January 12th, 2020

In a digital world, don’t forget to use your digits

Don’t let cool digital tools and the noisy world bury your creativity.

January 10th, 2020

The secret of writing

What’s the primary purpose of your headline, your graphic, your font, and any other part of the writing?

January 5th, 2020

2019 Year in review

End of a decade, the 2010s, the new one is coming, 2020s. What had passed last year?

December 31st, 2019

Why I live so far from the office

For many people who work abroad, they tend to rent a house close to the office so they can come to work easier. But the price isn’t cheap. If it’s cheap, it isn't a good room. Let’s see what I do with my daily commute when staying far from the office.

December 28th, 2019

The story of us

This is a story of a boy meets a girl, but you should know upfront, this is a love story.

December 21st, 2019
© 2018–2021 Trong Nguyen:
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